Are you eligible to apply for a mortgage?

Are you eligible to apply for a mortgage?
First you must not have reports as a bad payer, and be in possession of an income.
Together with our trusted broker, we evaluate the maximum installment you can pay per month and establish the amount you can have. If it’s not enough for your dream home, no problem. The consap guarantee can allow you to make your dream come true if your income guarantee is insufficient.
In fact, the state can guarantee the loan for half of the requested amount … not everyone knows it but it is an excellent opportunity. Low rates, prices that have become more affordable, make the moment propitious for purchase.
How does it work? Without any commitment, book an appointment with our consultant. He offers you the various solutions with different institutes, choosing those that offer the best solutions based on your working situation and the urban situation of the property.
Even properties with urban irregularities, not exaggerated, can be borrowed. In case of irregularities, the bank evaluates the cost of the restoration.
Once the institute has been chosen, the costs of the practice are explained to you (expert appraisal, preliminary costs, substitute tax, fire and explosion insurance, optional life insurance) minimum commission of the consultant for the practice which varies up to a maximum of one and half a percent of the amount paid.
Advice, the estimate is free, do it before looking for a house. As well as an indicative estimate for the purchase costs.

Follow me and we will soon talk about how to go about looking for a property saving time and spending as little as possible to make your purchase

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Antonia Cucari

Titolare della Cucari Servizi Immobiliari.

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